Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Enhancement to Logical replication in PostgreSQL 16


Big transactions used to cause slowness on the target database, but not anymore. In PostgreSQL 16, a new option called parallel(in subscriber) was introduced, which speeds up writing to the target database.Before PostgreSQL 16, for big transactions, the publisher transmits data via multiple streams. On the subscriber-side, the apply worker writes modifications into temporary files and applies the complete transaction after receiving the commit.

  Let's understand new parameter,catalog table change related to above


 max_parallel_apply_workers_per_subscription: Default value is 2 and these workers are taken from max_logical_replication_workers.  Maximum number of parallel apply workers per subscription. This parameter controls the amount of parallelism for streaming of in-progress transactions with subscription parameter streaming = parallel.

Catalog table:

 In pg_subscription, substream column gives information about the option used while creating the subscriber.

I did small testing to check advantage of this option. I have created two databases on same server running on 5432, 5433. 

Table create and Insert

create table replication_tabl(id bigint primary key, rand_data_1 varchar(50),dt timestamp,rand_data_2 varchar(50));
insert into replication_tabl values(generate_series(1,10000000),md5(random()::text),now(),md5(random()::text));


Set parameters in postgresql.conf, entry in pg_hba.conf for replication user.




host     blog     postgres     md5

Restart the db instance after settingup the parameters.


Without Parallel option:

psql -d blog -h -p 5432 "create publication blog_pub for table replication_tabl;"
psql -d blog -h -p 5433 create subscription blog_sub connection 'dbname=blog host= port=5432 password=passsword user=postgres ' publication blog_pub;

Workers running on operating system

postgres: logical replication launcher
postgres: logical replication apply worker for subscription 16403


 Parallel option :

psql -d blog -h -p 5432 "create publication blog_pub for table replication_tabl;"
psql -d blog -h -p 5433 -c "create subscription blog_sub connection 'dbname=blog host=  port=5432' publication blog_pub WITH (streaming=parallel);"

Workers running on operating system

postgres: logical replication parallel apply worker for subscription
postgres: parallel worker for PID 747256
postgres: parallel worker for PID 747256

Restart the db instance after settingup the parameters.

below tables shows time taken to apply data on target database. 



Note: When you are planing to use this option please analyze your workload and resource.


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